Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Parenting Teens: Common Mistakes Parent's Make

Picture Major misconception of parents:  Almost all parents that contact us have that next Einstein or Dan Marino, but the fact they are either changing friends, smoking pot, not attending classes or school at all, wanting to drop out of school all together and just get a GED, are all signs you are heading down a very negative path. This road usually escalates before it gets better.

Teen Help Advisers are here to help educate you with sound and objective resources and options.  Contact us today.

When therapy isn't working anymore, what can you do?

When a parent is reaching their wit's end, they are most at risk for making mistakes - mistakes that can cost them financially as well as emotionally.

TEEN HELP ADVISERS offers over 25+ years of combined experience in the teen help industry, which is a big business! 

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